Monday, August 4, 2008

Sexy, Sexy Sunday!

Sexy, Sexy Sunday went off without a hitch. Who knew? I cannot believe the amount of things that got accomplished. Started off the day by doing the usual Four N' 20 breakfast of the soyrizo scramble and fruit.

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I think the natives at the Four'N 20 are so use to me rollin' in with my rollers and do rag that they don't even blink when I ride in all pre-show prep. I swear, if I don't have my soyrizo before The Boychick Affair I feel a little off kilter. After the quick breakfast of Boychick champions, it was off to Trader Joe's for a quick fruit, soy milk and veggie pick-up for the week.
After those stops, it was home to catch up on an old episode of Sex and the City and then leave to go to the theatre.Nicole and Patrick (the other leads in Baby) meet me at the apartment and we drove down to the theatre. I am going to get them into the show, no matter what. This was my last Boychick Affair for five weeks. I think the show went off really well. I know I am going to miss everyone while I am gone. I hate leaving, but when I do come back, I feel refreshed and bring a new energy to Lizzy Lizzard. After we all piled back into my Chevy Aveo, we had one last stop before the apartment. That's right....Photobucket
Patrick shares my joy for the Yogurtland, however, Nicole needed more convincing, but she got a small one anyways.
After landing back in the goodness of Burbank Blvd it was off to do two loads of laundry. After the laundry, I visited my mom and Newman (the best labradoodle ever) and we had dinner at Maria's. I remember going to the Maria's in Northridge when I was in high school. I still order the same thing everytime- Italian Green Salad (no cheese, extra garbanzo beans). Mmmmm! After chatting it up with my mom, I went back home and finally colored my hair. HELLO ROOTS! After the hair coloring experience, it was off to make brownies for the office. Finally after that, I put away all the laundry, played with Henry Rollins, made my lunch for work, and then collapsed into bed!
I think that about covers it! Have a fantastic Monday. I already need a nap and it's not even 9 a.m. yet.

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Nuns Gone Wild

Alissa-Nicole Koblentz (Sister Berthe),Mirai Booth-Ong (Sister Margaretta) and Taylor Pyles (Sister Christian) Just a silly thing we concocked backstage before our final performance of The Sound of Music. Have a laugh with us!